too much coofffeeee mediocre brickheads and stereotypes the fresh air clears most of it just need to get off the bus what so happy about is that it those ugly shoes that silly voice is that it dont see any proper reason for that stupid smile coz its all wrong check yr hairdo check yr cell phone tell yr girlfriend what the guy said last night check yr hairdo again help your girlfriend fix hers check the cell phone now tell her what was your answer to the guy laugh about it check the hairdo check the guy two seats ahead check all the other guys in the bus check yr phone check yr hairdo check your girlfriends hairdo use a reflection on the bus window to compare yours and your girlfriends bang [yours is better thats good] check the guy again put more gloss on your lips smell it put more oh a phone ring thanks god let it ring for a while coz its the song of the week the one your girlfriend still doesnt have.




the more of it the smaller it gets whatll be left at the end thousands of them and yet almost invisible a print too large for a small room the noisy one with a faktaap resolution could only get to see it from the greatest distance either if its about time or expanse or both but then ill be [erased] drinking my coffee and forget about the jerks the pathetic pale ghosts because thats what they really are and because ive oversweeten it.




now read it in peace one by one and get it all wrong why did you let yourself look so crippled and helpless dont let them seem too important because theyre worthless the memories just got dismembered trivial things taking place all the kids in the movies its so sad and disappointing but whod care anyway you get some you lose some you lose dont you worry mommys gonna make you your favorite cake and let you ride your dirty bike around the living room and youll be the king again the rest well they just suck theyre useless anyway throw them some crumbs watch them kill each other for it until the show gets boring then you can release the lions [the commercials break] yeah the lions rule its the same logic i know its the same style and its great that the green is back the whole crew is back the healing ones thelongwalks and big ideas a little pinch for waking up every new little thing is taken for granted its a pity how it gets choked right at its birth the unique chance to enjoy it before it grows old boring and dead no but its a happy one i promise it is look how cheerful it is you see youseee its so merry and chaste too early to enjoy the show better go back to bed and oversleep the life.




question yourself a pitchfork a patchwork a hodgepodge knit knot shhh keep the secret bury it do not tell anyone a soldiers discipline each on every shoulder blattering at the same time making nooooiiissseeee gigantic soft like a pillow faster than ever before the ego thing and a hedgehogs belly copy paste cut trim split crop clear erase delete escape save yes to all.